Er du som meg, at du foretrekker vanlige bøker i innbundet eller pocket - format fremfor ebøker? En av grunnene flere oppgir for at de fortsatt foretrekker fysiske bøker, er lukten boksidene gir. Nå er det imidlertid mulig å skaffe seg boklukt selv når man leser på en kindle eller et annet nettbrett, eller om man bare har lyst til å spraye seg med lukt fra bøkenes verden. Karl Lagerfeld har nemlig vært med på å utvikle en ny bokparfyme:
Karl Lagerfeld har selv sagt: “The smell of a freshly printed book is the best smell in the world.”
I en pressemelding står det følgende: - This is an opportunity to celebrate all the glorious sensuality of books, at a time when many in the industry are turning against them. The idea is that is should relax you, like when you read a book, to a level of meditation and concentration. Paper passion has evolved into something quite beautiful and unique. To wear the smell of a book is something very chic. Books are players in the intellectual world, but also in the world of luxury.
Parfymen koster 115 dollar. Kanskje en spennende bursdagsgave til bokelskeren som har det meste.
Her kan du lese en avisartikkel fra da parfymen ble planlagt.
Dette er imidlertid ikke første gang det forsøkes å selge boklukt. Siden 2009 har du kunnet kjøpe spraybokser med boklukt.

Does your Kindle leave you feeling like there’s something missing from your reading experience? Have you been avoiding e-books because they just don’t smell right?
If you’ve been hesitant to jump on the e-book bandwagon, you’re not alone. Book lovers everywhere have resisted digital books because they still don’t compare to the experience of reading a good old fashioned paper book.But all of that is changing thanks to Smell of Books™, a revolutionary new aerosol e-book enhancer.Now you can finally enjoy reading e-books without giving up the smell you love so much. With Smell of Books™ you can have the best of both worlds, the convenience of an e-book and the smell of your favorite paper book. Smell of Books™ is compatible with a wide range of e-reading devices and e-book formats and is 100% DRM-compatible. Whether you read your e-books on a Kindle or an iPhone using Stanza, Smell of Books™ will bring back that real book smell you miss so much.
Er dette noe du kunne tenke deg?Labels: boklukt, Karl Lagerfeld, kuriosa, nyheter